
Southern Indiana Teens for Life is a student-led community organization. Membership is open to all pro-life middle and high school students, ages 12 and up, in the Southern Indiana and Louisville area. Our group involves students from many different private schools, public schools, and home schools, as well as from many different churches, denominations, and faith backgrounds.
Our adult sponsors and our "parent organization" -- Right to Life of Southern Indiana -- provide guidance, advice, and supervision. Our students themselves, led by our Student Officers, are responsible for virtually all aspects of the group, though -- from leading meetings to planning service projects!

Southern Indiana Teens for Life

Board of Directors - 2012 - 2013

Student Officers

Emily M., President/Membership Coordinator
Jordan D., Communications Coordinator
Ally G., Vice-President/membership Coordinator
David Bloom., Public Relations Coordinator
Samantha M., Secretary/Treasurer

Executive Board of Directors

Right to Life of Southern Indiana
Adult Sponsor - Robin Eldridge
Group Founder - Rachel E.